Pingolf Scoring Suggestions

Pingolf is a pinball tournament format that requires a certain achievement on each machine played in the tournament.  The achievement could be a scoring achievement, a mode start a combination or something else. Like golf, low score wins.

A full set of rules can be found at Pins and Needles.  Some pages indicate that Pingolf originated at Pins and Needles.  Check out Pins and Needles.

I have been looking around, but have not been able to find scoring suggestions listed for many machines.

I am trying to figure out the best scoring for the following line up.  I am thinking about the following, but would like to hear any suggestions.

Grand Prix EM – par three – 350,000, light extra ball

Close Encounters – par three – 400,000, light spinner

Jungle Lord – par three – start double trouble scoring, two magnasave saves

Time Machine – par three – 500,000, score green bonus

Whirlwind – par three – three million plus shots

Fish Tales – par three – monster fish, video mode and rock the boat

World Cup Soccer 94 – par three – Boston tea party, start hit the goalie

Iron Man – par three – start bogey, collect iron man, start any two of whiplash, iron monger or war machine

Steve Ritchie at the Dutch Pinball Open

Steve Ritchie live for an hour from the Dutch Pinball open.  Steve is famous for his great machines and for being a character.  This lecture gives some insight into the current state of Stern Pinball and some teases about what to expect in the future.  Steve opens the floor to questions and reveals his least favorite of his games, a good story about Steve Kordek and his favorite pins made by other designers.

Walking Dead LE Video

Dadofducks on youtube has posted a short video of his Walking Dead LE machine here.  The included video is a longer video with game play.  Having played the pro version during the Flippers release tournament, it is good to see the color in the inserts on the LE version.  The pro version seems to have mostly clear inserts with very bright white leds under them which gives the playfield a washed out look.  It looks like there is a diverter above the stand ups on the left of the playfield.   This diverter can divert the feed of a right ramp shot to load the cross bow.  The cross bow then swings out from its position against the apron and has a shooting while aiming side to side effect like a Steve Ritchie cannon.

Whirlwind and Indy 500 on location in Richmond – glavekocen gallery


Richmond Artist Matt Lively has made a name for himself with beecycle paintings and many others than can be found on the outside and inside of buildings in Richmond and beyond.  He has assembled his newest works for a fantastic show at the glavekocen gallery here in Richmond.  The show is called Playfield and will kick off on Friday, November 7 and will run through November 29.

What does this have to do with pinball?  Matt was inspired by pinball art in creating the works exhibited.  The influence of playfield art can be seen in Matt’s vibrant colors, his use of line and his use of varnish over bare wood to serve as the backdrop for a number of the works.

As part of the show, Matt asked me and Taylor to loan him pinball machines to have in the gallery during the course of the show.  Taylor and I delivered Indy 500 and Whirlwind to the gallery yesterday.  The machines look great in the gallery.  Taylor and I had a chance to see the work that Matt has included in the show.  Matt’s art is exciting and accessible and I hope that you will stop by to check out his work and play some pinball if you are in the area.

The top score during the show will win one of Matt’s paintings.

Baltimore/DC Pinball Championships

The Baltimre/DC Pinball Championships – Crabtowne Throwdowne – 11/23/14 at 2:00 P.M.

Crabtowne is a restaurant/arcade outside of DC.  When I was last there, they had 20 to 25 pinball machines that were pretty dirty and in various states of disrepair.  This was a few years ago and I have heard that they are keeping the machines much cleaner and in better playing condition.  They also have probably 40 to 50 classic arcade games.  There is also a crab shack kind of restaurant attached to the arcade for your dining pleasure.  This tournament attracts some high level players and should be a very good time.